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Manage sports commentary track, multilingual audio and more

Nov 07, 2024

If you have a live SRT stream with multiple audio tracks and want to send different audio to different places, this tutorial is for you.

We will show you how to select an audio track from your multi-channel SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) stream and send it to a social media account like YouTube using Callaba.

By following these simple steps, you can manage your audio tracks and stream videos with different audio to various other destinations, other social media accounts or custom destinations.

What you'll need

  • Callaba. Callaba provides SRT server and re-streaming capabilities. Launch Callaba on Amazon Web Services
  • SRT Stream with multiple audio tracks
  • Access to social media accounts or custom destinations where you're going to send your stream.

Let's begin!

Step 1: Create an SRT Server in Callaba

First, you'll set up an SRT server within Callaba to receive your stream.

Go to SRT Servers section.

Create a New SRT Server. Click "Add New".

Name your SRT Server. 


If you need to use specific ports, enter them in the settings. Otherwise, you can use the default port settings.

Port - Publisher/Sender port. Use this port to send your stream to the SRT Server.

Receiver port - Use this port to receive [get] your stream from the SRT Server.

Click "Save"

Step 2: Send SRT stream with multiple Audio Tracks to the server

Now, you'll send a multi-audio SRT stream to your Callaba SRT server.

To send your stream, in the SRT Servers section, click "Info".

There you can get SRT Publisher URL for streaming.

If you're using vMix to stream, you can find the Host and Port specified there too.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to generate a test stream with 8 audio tracks.

If you're using a real stream, send a real stream instead.

How to set up a test stream with 8 audio tracks

In your Restreaming section dashboard, click on "Add New".

Name the restream.

Input type: select "Generate Test Video (with 8 audio tracks)".

This will create a test video with multiple audio tracks for demonstration purposes.

Output: Send the output to your SRT Server (via SRT URL). This means the generated video will be sent to your SRT server within Callaba.

Click on "Save" to start sending the stream to your server.

Step 3: Check and name your Audio Tracks*

*This step is optional, but highly recommended.

It's helpful to know which audio track is which, especially if you're sending different languages or commentary.

Navigate to the SRT Server you created earlier.

Click on the "Stats" icon to view details about your stream.

Click on the Sound icon.

Here you can listen to and name your audio tracks. We highly recommend doing this, as it will help you easily adjust your settings later.

  •  Click on the audio icon next to each audio track to listen.
  • Click the pencil to name your tracks.

In our case, we'll make it look like we're streaming in multiple languages.

Step 4: Send the stream to YouTube with the selected Audio Track

Now that your audio tracks are named, you can send the stream to YouTube (or to any other social media account or custom destination) with the audio track you want.

Create a New restream in Callaba:

Go to Restreaming section, click on "Add New".

Name your restream.

Input: specify your SRT Server as the input source.

Set the output (in our case, we'll send the stream to YouTube)

Enter your Stream URL and Stream Key provided by YouTube.

Select your Audio Track

Unfold "Advanced Settings" in the re-stream setup.

Modify Audio Tracks: set to "Select Audio Track".

Select your desired audio track:

From the list of audio tracks, choose the one you want to send to YouTube.

Save and start the re-stream.

Click "Save" to begin sending the stream to YouTube with the selected audio track.

Step 5: Test and switch Audio Tracks

You can test your stream and even switch to another audio track if needed.

Go to your YouTube (or visit your other destination) to see if the stream is working.

Ensure the audio is playing the correct track.

If you want to change the audio track, go back to your restream settings in Callaba.

In the "Modify Audio Tracks" section, choose a different audio track from the list.

Click "Save" to apply the new settings.

You should now hear the new audio track in your live stream.

By following these steps, you've learned how to select an audio track from a multi-channel SRT stream and send it to a social media account using Callaba.

This allows you to stream videos with different audio tracks to different destinations, like offering multiple languages or commentary options.

Learn more

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